The Row Venice 2018 Non-profit Activity Report

For many years, Row Venice has been active in the promotion of Venetian rowing and in support of the many female athletes who dedicate themselves with passion and dedication to this sport. We offer Venetian rowing lessons among the quiet canals of Cannaregio, using the rare, unique traditional boats, the Batee a Coa de Gambero (batelle a coda di gambero, shrimp-tailed batellas).

Our boats, our professionalism and the passion we put into what we do have allowed us to grow rapidly, becoming the most popular outdoor activity to do in Venice (TripAdvisor, 2019). Today, Row Venice can count on a team of about 30 women between instructors and translators, many of whom are local and are champions who train constantly to qualify in the municipal regattas. We own 4 boats (three batee a coa de gambero and a bragozzo) and we would soon like to buy another batea. Every year a substantial part of our income is allocated to the sponsorship of female crews, and financing activities for the promotion and diffusion of Venetian rowing. We also participate in sustainable initiatives aimed at encouraging respect for waterways. In 2018, around 25,000 euros have been allocated to the achievement of our goals!

This year, for the first time, we decided to share with you the numbers we are so proud of. We know that everything we do is only possible thanks to you and your participation in our lessons. For this we would like to grazie mille, thank you very much and show you in detail what you’ve helped us to accomplish with the funds of Row Venice in the year 2018.

Please note, the tables below are best viewed in landscape mode on your mobile device. Download the PDF version here.


Consignee Description Amt.
Viva Voga Veneta A.S.D. Viva Voga Veneta A.S.D. Organizers of traditional nocturnal social rowing events (freschi) with live music, open to the city. €4,880
Promotion of the Venetian rowing campaign in England at the Richmond Bridge Boat Club. Round trip Flights Venice-London for 6 instructors and accommodation in Richmond. Read the article. €2,400
CIVV (Comitato Internazionale di Voga Veneta) Contribution toward the purchase of a traditional caorlina    €500
TOTAL   €7,780

Venetian Racing Season

Regata Date
Regata della Sensa 13.05 8 €150 €1,200
Regata di Mestre 27.05 24 €100 €2,400
Regata di Sant’Erasmo 02.06 10 €150 €1,500
Regata di Murano 01.07 8 €200 €1,600
Regata di Malamocco 08.07 10 €150 €1,500
Regata di Pellestrina 05.08 8 €150 €1,200
Regata Storica 02.09 10 €500 €5,000
Regata di Burano 16.09 12 €200 €2,400
Regata del Mosto 30.09 4 €100    €400
Regata circuito VIP
(national competitions)
various 2 €100    €400
Total       €17,400


Initiative Activity Details
Plastic Free Venice
8 June, 15 Sett
We provided boats and instructors throughout the day. Free participation to anyone interested helping the instructors with bags and nets to row between the canals and around the cemetery of San Michele to collect the plastic from the water and shallows.
Disnar per la Storica
24 August

Our champion women rowers who qualified for this year’s Regata Storica offered brief lessons for free to participants of the Disnar (the traditional city-wide dinners in anticipation of the most important regata of the season) at the Rialto. The aim was to contribute to the success of the Rialto location and introduce the protagonists of this year’s regatta. Unfortunately, heavy rain did not allow the activity to be carried out optimally this year.

High School Rowing Lessons
Spring, 2018
Lessons offered completely free as part a project dedicated to the local high schools, in which classes of the Barbarigo, Benedetti and Foscarini high schools participated.